Last March (2011) we were at a tennis match at Madison Sq garden and saw an electric banner ad for a Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson - The Immortal World Tour" in April. Ash had not long before seen his first Cirque and really enjoyed it so we were keen and came home and booked tickets the next day. We didn't realize it was actually for April 2012 until we printed the tickets and so we knew we had to stay in NYC for another year!
Last night was the big night, and it didn't disappoint... For me anyway ;)
Ash and I were arriving separately so planned to meet at our seats. I was running late - and a little distracted on my crackberry - so headed up the same entrance that we have used literally every time we've been there, all the way to the nose-bleed section, thats seating level 400 and 7 escalators up! and it turned out to be the wrong entrance... I was on the exact opposite side of the arena to where I should be, but not wanting to miss the start of the show I thought I would be able to go all the way around the arena on the walkway behind the seats. I came to a point where I couldn't go any further and, as I started to climb over the empty seats (behind the stage) a security guard (SG) stopped me. "Where are you going", in my best Aussie accent "I'm lost and am trying to get around to section X." SG "No your not", Me "Sorry?", SG (whispering and acting like a state secret) "Shh, your going to downstairs, these tickets are for level 100, use the fire escape to level 1 - go now..."
Last night was the big night, and it didn't disappoint... For me anyway ;)
Ash and I were arriving separately so planned to meet at our seats. I was running late - and a little distracted on my crackberry - so headed up the same entrance that we have used literally every time we've been there, all the way to the nose-bleed section, thats seating level 400 and 7 escalators up! and it turned out to be the wrong entrance... I was on the exact opposite side of the arena to where I should be, but not wanting to miss the start of the show I thought I would be able to go all the way around the arena on the walkway behind the seats. I came to a point where I couldn't go any further and, as I started to climb over the empty seats (behind the stage) a security guard (SG) stopped me. "Where are you going", in my best Aussie accent "I'm lost and am trying to get around to section X." SG "No your not", Me "Sorry?", SG (whispering and acting like a state secret) "Shh, your going to downstairs, these tickets are for level 100, use the fire escape to level 1 - go now..."
Well it took me all of 5 seconds to start moving, calling Ash at the same time to say "trust me, leave your seat and hit the fire escape, I'll meet you at Level 1" - Comp seats, in front of the stage, on plush seats instead of plastic... Nice! You hear of this kind of thing happening but it never happens to me!
So on to the show -
For any MJ fan you couldn't help but have a great time. It was more dance numbers than any other Cirque but there was still the acrobats, tumblers and aerial artists. There was constant giant footage/images of MJ, all the favourite songs and some moving moments with songs like 'Ben', 'Gone too Soon' and 'Will you be there'. There were shouts from the crowd "We love you Michael", just like you were at a MJ concert. Ash laughed when I said this later, but there was one moment so electric, for a split second I thought the man himself was going to appear and make a comeback! All finished off with indoor pyrotechnics. What a legend!
We miss you Michael....
See video here: