Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Our new addition - Dasha

We are feeling like real New Yorkers now, joining more than a million other dog owners that live in apartments across the city.  Here are some pics of our boy:

When we collected Dasha, we also bought a taxi load of things home with him for house training, the most important one is the wee wee pad, also known as the poo poo pad :)  We have mastered the potty training (most of the time) but our little friend is a barker and needs 120% attention if we are in the house.  We are not getting much else done at the moment.

Now I can't wait for Mum to get here and start training him!  

Monday, December 6, 2010

NY Happenings

Around town the last few months:

New Yorkers like to decorate for occasions, and Halloween is no exception with houses, shop windows and even streets being decorated with skeletons, pumpkins, white spider web looking stuff, and other things.    Ash crafted a pumpkin to get in the mood and says it one of the grossest things he's done!  On the actual night of Halloween (It was a Sunday), there was a parade that passed only a block from us, it was just as NY was turning cold and I wasn't keen to go out but Ash went for a walk but couldn't get near the parade for the millions of people that were in the streets.  We watched some of the parade on tv and it was a very random group of people, apparently anyone can get dressed up and take part!  I got the impressions that Michael Jackson's thriller has been a recurring theme since the early 80's!

NY Marathon
Being the pretend runner I am,  of course I was keen to get out and see the marathon. It starts on Staten Island and runs through the 5 boroughs of of New York finishing in Central Park.  It was another cold morning and with one of us sporting a hangover (not me), we got up early, made use of the new quilt (aka neck to knee puffer jacket) I have and caught the subway to Central Park to watch the runners.  We were at the 38k mark and we saw the back of the handicapped racers (missed the Aussie champion Kurt Fearnley), the elite women and then the elite men.  Twice we saw a classic result of a runner's bowel - they are braver than me - with poo running down the legs on the way past!  It was inspiring, the race, not the poo,  and I've entered the lottery for next year's race.

Ice Hockey
We trekked out to Jersey for a game between the New Jersey Devils and Washington Capitals.  The obligatory National Anthem was sung with a light show like it was a rock concert before the game.  The Devils thrashed the Capitals by 5-0 which I learned is a high score in hockey and we were treated to a high quality game, although there was not enough fisticuffs was Ash's opinion.  I really enjoyed it!

Thanksgiving - Macy's Parade
How many times was I asked if we have thanksgiving in Australia??  Too many to count on one hand... I have one colleague though, who likes to educate me on American history.  Let me share...  What is Thanksgiving?  I thought it was something to do with Pilgrims or Amish giving thanks for something,  well I was close.  Apparently it was the pilgrims, having arrived from Europe, and the Native Indians who taught them how to live off the land, finding the biggest turkey around and sharing a celebratory meal.   I'm also learning the 50 states and their capitals, but I digress...

One of my iconic NY movies is Miracle on 34th St (the old and new version!) and so I wasn't going to miss this parade, even if it started at 9am on my day off and we would be amongst 6 million (not joking) other people lining the route.  By 8am we were lined up on 7th Ave, freezing, anticipating what was to come.  It didn't disappoint.  Imagine giant blow up balloons coming down the street, there was Snoopy, Spiderman, Kermie to name a few. The rotate the traffic lights out of the way. There were a multitude of cheerleaders and marching bands. There were also famous people on floats: Kanye West, Kylie Minogue (!) Gladys Knight and Miss USA...  My goal for next year, find someone who lives with a view of the parade!

And finally, just tonight, walking to the subway from the gym, we came across a movie premiere as the stars were signing autographs on the st, no other than Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie!  and just to prove it, Ash had his Blackberry...   She was tiny!  So was he for that matter :)