We have had such a great weekend. It is the Memorial Day long weekend and we have had our first visitors from Aus here to hang out. And hang out we have!
Friday night
We meet Ash's friends, who have come to us in the East Village, in our favourite local bar. Quite a random, small bar that attracts a diverse custom, they have happy hour and a buy1 get 1 free drinks offer - definitely the cheapest drinks we'll have all weekend. We then went on to a restaurant on the lower East side called Freemans. Ash and I had eaten there a week ago and enjoyed the food and atmosphere and thought the boys would like it too. (Not to mention that Ash thought they would also like the waitress!). A great night of catching up and red wine :)
Yummy brunch including hamburgers and fries for the boys, I went the cream cheese on bagel option but with some home fried potatoes on the side. This was followed by the boys going for an old fashioned blade shave that left PJ a bit bloody. Then we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge and wandered around the area called Dumbo on the other side.
At 5.30 we met at the Port Authority bus station for our journey into New Jersey to see the Bon Jovi concert at the newly built Meadowlands stadium. We almost needed oxygen tanks we were so high up but what a great atmosphere with 70,000 plus fans enjoying some classics like Dead or Alive. It was strange to see many people in the car park with deck chairs, eskies and bbq's, they had obviously been there all day, I'm not positive but I wonder if they actually just stayed outside and listened to the concert from there?
Another yummy brunch, this time a little more gourmet, only one of the boys went for a burger and fries! I had the most scrumptious lemon and ricotta pancakes smothered in maple syrup. It all went down very well with our 2 jugs of sangria!
Brunch was just the warm up, this time we got on the subway and went out to the Bronx and Yankee Stadium for an afternoon of baseball. I learned loads about the game, by the end of the 9th inning even knew most of what was going on. The beers nearly killed us cheap aussies at, wait for it, $10 a beer!! We had great fun sitting in the bleechers (I didn't know until now that this means sitting on long benches as opposed to individual chairs - probably the equivalent of the old hill at the SCG - the cheap seats), bought the caps, met some locals, tried the really awful chicken tenders and fries that were cooked 6 hours earlier and cost me $10.50, and best of all, in the 7th inning, the Yankees scored 5 runs and won the game to the cries of the ecstatic crowd.
I left the boys at a beer garden for a bit of quiet time and met up with them later for dinner in China Town. We completely overate but enjoyed the meal including a whole duck being delivered to us for peking duck pancakes. We wandered for a bit afterward into Little Italy which was pumping and then into a dodgy street fair that included alley games where you win cheap stuffed animals. We got roped into what turned out to be the most dodgy stall which was a complete hustle - you had to roll some small balls onto a board of numbers which the guy would add up and would correspond to another number. After the 2 first free rolls he tried to tell us our results were mega lucky and that we would win an xBox or playstation if we kept playing but after spending $15 we all agreed to walk away...
No time for brunch this morning, we grabbed a bagel on the run as we were meeting at 9.30 to go on the Circle line 3 hour tourist cruise around Manhattan. It was a perfect sunny day and we slapped on the sunscreen as we waited to leave the dock. What a great way to see the sights including the best views of the Statue of Liberty and get a comprehensive commentary on New York.
When we finished we were right beside the massive USS Iwo Jima, a US Marines aircraft carrier so we took the opportunity to join the queue and go aboard. We couldn't see the whole queue and we didn't know it would take us nearly 2 hours until we reached the gang plank in the heat, but it was worth the wait. In town for Memorial Day and the associated Fleet week we were able to climb over tanks, missile launchers, harrier jets and helicopters. You can imagine Ash was in his element and as a regular watcher of the military channel was able to provide all sorts of details along the way.
It was great to meet the Marines, they were very polite and very particular about answering any questions with full detail. It also occurred to us as they showing off the million dollar toys that they were so very young and had already completed multiple deployments including Iraq.
Phew - what a weekend - I'm exhausted!
I have left the boys alone for dinner tonight as I have to be at work for a 7am call in the morning!
9 years ago