Arriving for the first time late at night, I was nervous that for some reason Immigration wouldn't let me in. The nerves were lessened by multiple signs in the Immigration Hall that read something like "Our Pledge to you" and went on say they promise to be polite, friendly, professional and will treat people with respect etc. The Officer, when I started to talk too much about my situation was like "No problem, you can come and go as you like with this visa" - Phew that was a relief! I'm in!!
It was also a great relief to find Ash waiting for me in the Arrivals Hall. We hadn't seen each other for 6 weeks and were excited to finally be together again.
Taking a cab to the East Village where we have set up temporarily until a more permanent arrangement is found, my first impressions of the City was wow, I expected it to be busy but this place is pumping! Block after block there are people everywhere and the later it gets on a Saturday evening (and I have since learnt, any night of the week!) the more people are out and about.
I had a couple of days to wander about before our NY adventure was paused as Ash and I headed to Europe for a pre-planned holiday in the UK, France and Spain. During those days Ash was working so I was left to find my bearings in the city - which you think would be easy, being a grid design - but my usual good sense of direction disappeared with the massive blocks and massive buildings that were surrounding me. Thankfully armed with a good handbag map I was able to explore. I even mastered the subway (I have been on it twice so far!) but on my second journey, to Central Park for a run, I even changed lines and made it home without any wrong turns!
Now, after a brilliant holiday, we are back in Manhattan - yes, they let me in again, with a work visa no less - and the real adventure has begun. Stay tuned for the first hurdle.... finding somewhere to live.
Hi This is just fantastic. Looking forward to the next episode, given this is moving day!!! 18 days to go..... Drummie Joneses